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 USA Professional Grade & Dentist Trusted Home Teeth Whitening Products.

 Outstanding Teeth Whitening Results Since 2003


Expertwhite Kit 35 (30-minutes) POPULAR Teeth Whitening Kit: 22% Strength Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Bleaching Gel for Teeth Whitening with trays

Expertwhite Kit 35 (30-minutes) POPULAR

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Looking to Whiten your Teeth?

Stronger, quicker, faster

This expertwhite™ rapid results formula has a whopping 35% Carbamide peroxide suspended in near neutral ph kosher grade glycerine. Due to the higher concentration of CP, the gel needs to be worn for a shorter period of time to achieve the same results as the milder strength gel.

Fast becoming our most popular whitening gel

Because this gel only requires a 30 minute wear time our customers are finding it the perfect gel. However, this gel is not made for sensitive teeth, but assuming you have normal teeth then this is a great whitening gel. Safe on enamel.

30-minutes and you're done

This gel is also becoming very popular with our dentists as they are finding it offers the perfect balance of whitening for their busy patients lives.

Discover the expertwhitening™ starter kit

The experwhite™ starter kit removes all surface tooth stains from coffee, smoking and red wine then penetrates deep into enamel to remove decades of tooth discoloration and yellowing. This whitening system guarantees to return your teeth to that the white color you had as a child. Clean, bright and white.

User SafetyExpertwhite™ Gel will not whiten crowns, only natural teeth. Teeth will be whitened to individuals lightest and whitest natural base color. This gel is non-toxic. Safe on enamel. Use as directed. Pregnant or lactating please consult doctor. Wear as per recommended gel strength. Contains glycerine carbomer, carbamide peroxide. Store in cool dry place. If gel comes into contact with skin, wash with warm water.

Dentist approved professional whitening 

One of the most important components of successful whitening results is the tray. The importance of the tray is to hold the gel close to the tooth surface and ensure that your saliva does not wash the formula away, while performing the vital task of removing tooth stains and gently penetrating deep into tooth enamel to remove decades of discoloration. The expertwhitening™ tray is a soft a soft flexible silicon tray (dual arch) which ensures a comfortable fit for all mouth sizes.

Discover Expertwhitening™Gel

Aside from the importance of the tray, the quality and the strength of the whitening formula is pivotal to the quality of results achieved. Expertwhite™ gel is developed for, and sold to dentists so you can rest-assured that you are receiving professional quality gel that is made in USA without the use of fillers or short cuts. Premium carbamide peroxide (CP) is suspended in a near neutral PH mint glycerine solution offering a comfortable whitening experience with maximum white teeth results. This Viscous gel formula ensures that the gel sticks to tooth surface and does not simply wash away with your saliva. With our calculated oxidization time, expertwhitening™ gel eliminates tooth stains and restores super white teeth in a very short period of time. 

Choose the best gel strength for you

Expertwhitening™ kits are available in different strength gels to suit each individuals needs. Simply choose the gel strength that suits your needs, the lower the percentage the longer the gel stays on your teeth. Th higher percentage gel, the shorter the whitening time per treatment but the greater the chance of tooth sensitivity to hot or cold during the whitening process (this is temporary and stops immediately after whitening)

The most successful way to whiten your teeth

Whiten with the use of our comfort-flex tray and expertwhite™ gel once a day for 5 days in succession. That simple. You will see immediate whitening results after your first whitening treatment however, we recommend that you continue whitening each day to ensure a "full cure or permanent" whitening result.



The 'Get-my-teeth white' starter kit includes our comfort-flex tray and a handy storage case. Three expertwhite™ dentist approved gels are included to offer up to 10 whitening treatments. This means that there is enough gel to whiten your teeth and then touch up as needed. We've also included the bonus after-whitening restore treatment which seal in whiteness and eliminate chances of sensitivity (learn more about this blue gel)

Place small drops of whitening gel along the top and bottom part of whitening trays and place tray in mouth over teeth for suggested time. Wipe excess gel off gum line with a tissue. After treatment, remove and rinse trays in warm water. Brush teeth. You will see immediate results after the first whitening treatment but to ensure maximum 'full cure" whitening, it is recommended that you whiten once a day for 5 days in succession. The after-whitening gel (blue gel) may be used every second day after whitening treatment. Simply rinse whitening gel from trays, place small drops of blue gel onto trays and wear for 5 minutes. 


  • 1 Soft Flex Tray & Storage Case
  • 3 Expertwhite™ Tooth Bleach Gels (Your choice of 16%, 22%, 35% or 44% CP)
  • 1 After Whitening Restore Treatment Gel

Simply Add Expertwhite™ gel to comfort-flex tray and reveal super white teeth!  Experience up to Up to 10 shades whiter and look years younger.  For maximum results whiten once a day for 5 days in succession.

13 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

Gel really works & simple to use.

Posted by Sarah Green on 19th May 2020

Gel really works & simple to use.

Works very well

Posted by Maria on 19th May 2020

Works very well

Good product although it does burn aÉ

Posted by Liz McMullan on 19th May 2020

Good product although it does burn a bit if you get it on your gums

Easy to use and it works

Posted by M Seger on 19th May 2020

Easy to use and it works

Easy to use and it works

Posted by M Seger on 13th Oct 2019

Easy to use and it works

Easy to use and it works

Posted by M Seger on 13th Oct 2019

Easy to use and it works

Good product although it does burn aÉ

Posted by Liz McMullan on 21st Jul 2019

Good product although it does burn a bit if you get it on your gums

Good product although it does burn aÉ

Posted by Liz McMullan on 21st Jul 2019

Good product although it does burn a bit if you get it on your gums

Works very well

Posted by Maria on 1st Dec 2018

Works very well

Works very well

Posted by Maria on 1st Dec 2018

Works very well

Gel really works & simple to use.

Posted by Sarah Green on 12th Jun 2018

Gel really works & simple to use.

Gel really works & simple to use.

Posted by Sarah Green on 12th Jun 2018

Gel really works & simple to use.

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